METREX to respond to COR opinion paper
METREX to respond to European Committee of the Regions opinion paper The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) has decided to prepare an opinion on “The challenges of metropolitan regions and their position in the future Cohesion Policy post 2020.” METREX is formulating a first reaction to this opinion paper, which we will soon circulate…
Support the EMA Lyon 2019 Declaration
Mayors, presidents and political representatives of the European metropolitan areas gathered in Lyon for the 5th EMA forum to advocate for ‘European inclusive metropolitan areas facing together social challenges’. The outcome of this meeting is a political declaration for which support is being sought from all European metropolitan regions and areas. “We are convinced that the challenge…
Take part in the European Week of the Regions
The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. Developing from the initial concept, the event has become a European…
SURE Expert Group meets in Köln
The first SURE expert group meeting took place on 1 February 2019 hosted by Metropolregion Rheinland. Dr. Peter M.J. Pol, Urban Strategist at the City of The Hague, welcomed representatives from Metropolregion Rheinland, Aachen, Düsseldoft, Brussels, Amsterdam, Eindhoven and The Hague (representing Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag (MRDH)). The meeting commenced with presentations regarding the main…
METREX signs EMA Rome declaration
METREX was represented at the 2018 EMA Forum by vice president Irma Karjalainen, who signed the Rome declaration on behalf of METREX members. Mayors, presidents and political representatives of European cities and metropolitan areas met in Rome on October 26, 2018 for the fourth edition of the EMA (European Metropolitan Authorities). For more information on…