METREX at the NARC Conference of Regions
METREX Vice President, Gianina Panatau, to attend the National Conference of Regions in the United States. At the invitation of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Regional Councils from the United States, Gianina Panatau, METREX Vice-President, will participate in the association’s ‘National Conference of Regions’ event, which explores pressing priorities facing cities,…
Lviv welcomed to the network
METREX welcomes Lviv to its network of European metropolitan regions are areas. METREX, the network of European metropolitan regions and areas, has welcomed Lviv and its surrounding area as an honorary member. Lviv is a historical city located in western Ukraine. Founded in the 13th century, Lviv is renowned for its architectural beauty and cultural…
METREX president among 40 major signatories of declaration calling for ambitious European urban policy
METREX President Jakub Mazur signed “Brussels Declaration” on Wednesday alongside 40 major European mayors signalling call for the development of an ambitious European urban policy. At the initiative of Rudi Vervoort, Minister-President of the Brussels Region, and Ans Persoons, Secretary of State for Urban Planning and International Relations, the Brussels Region brought together 40 mayors…
Manifesto for Metropolitan Partnerships launched
On 8 November 2023, the Urban Intergroup welcomed METREX to an event to discuss a Manifesto for Metropolitan Partnerships. MEPs and deputy Mayors from across Europe met at the European Parliament to discuss the 7-point manifesto from METREX, which has high ambitions to change the relationship between the EU and metropolitan-level government. The event was…
New Interreg Europe project announced for a Eurodelta spatial strategy
The SURE Eurodelta network, under the leadership of the City of Amsterdam, will begin a new INTERREG North-West Europe project ‘A Spatial Strategy for Eurodelta, boosting the Transition to circular construction (ASSET)’. 40 affiliated partners including METREX will explore whether the transition to a circular built environment can be accelerated through cross-border collaboration. A circular…
Metropolitan partnerships to tackle Europe’s challenges – leading pan-European network calls for change
Read and download Manifesto Today METREX – the network of European metropolitan regions and areas – launched its ‘Manifesto for Metropolitan Partnerships: accelerating on a greener, more just and competitive Europe’ at the European Parliament. MEPs Jan Olbrycht, Marcos Ros and Andrey Novakov spoke at the launch event alongside deputy mayors from Bucharest, The Hague,…
New Managing Committee in place for 2023-25
A new Managing Committee of METREX was confirmed at the General Assembly in Braga on 25 October 2023. The METREX Managing Committee (MC) oversees the strategic direction of the organisation and ensures that day-to-day obligations are met by the Secretariat. The MC is appointed every two years by the network’s members to ensure that their…
METREX president signs EMA declaration to mitigate climate change
Decision-makers in Europe’s metropolitan areas look for solutions to mitigate climate change The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council – an esteemed Member of METREX – hosted the annual forum of the European Metropolitan Authorities Network (EMA) in Helsinki on 28–29 September. The main theme of the conference was climate change mitigation with green and digital solutions. Officials…
Bernd Steinacher Fellowship is open for applications
Applications are now sought for the Bernd Steinacher Fellowship, a two-year programme aimed at supporting research on metropolitan issues by a student or early-career professional. Deadline for applications: midnight 3 November 2023 About Bernd Steinacher Bernd Steinacher was the Regional Director of the Verband Region Stuttgart with its directly elected the Regional Assembly. Mr. Steinacher…
Call for papers: Should I stay or should I go
Deadline for applications: 15 October 2023 Should I stay or should I go: urban sprawl, density, and a new planning agenda for Europe From January to June 2024, Belgium will be presiding the Council of Ministers of the EU. During this presidency,, the Brussels Planning Agency, organises a seminar on 29 and 30 May…
METREX network supports sustainable freight transport plan for Metropolitan City of Milan
The final event of a series during which METREX Members have been informing the Metropolitan City of Milan’s new sustainable freight transport plan (PULS) will take place in Milan on 5 and 6 October 2023. The Metropolitan City of Milan and a number of cross-sector partners are developing a new sustainable freight transport plan for…
MECOG-CE Interreg project to strengthen metropolitan cooperation and governance in Central Europe
METREX is an Associated Partner of this new Interreg Central Europe project, which is led by Brno Metropolitan Area and which will focus on strengthening metropolitan cooperation and Governance in Central Europe. A new Interreg Central Europe project has launched that aims to identify the best tools, procedures and examples of good practices for strengthening…
Third ‘Next Generation Podium for Eurodelta’ completed
METREX-sponsored third edition of the annual Next Generation Podium (NGP) has drawn to a close. Held over March and May 2023, Next Generation Podium promoted the involvement of the next generation of planners and designers (students and young professionals) in thinking about the future of the Eurodelta mega region. Organised by Vereniging Deltametropool over 120…
Open Call for Working Groups members: EU Harnessing Talent Platform
The European Commission has published a Communication on Harnessing Talent in European Regions and is launching the Talent Booster Mechanism, which aims to bring a fresh impetus for re and up-skilling as the first key initiative in 2023 to contribute to the European Year of Skills. This Mechanism will support EU regions affected by the…
Funding opportunities: DUT Call 2023 – mobility, circularity, and energy
DUT Call 2023 People-centred urban transformation The DUT Call 2023 is co-funded by the European Commission under Horizon Europe. On a global level, the call is part of the Mission Innovation (MI) call series, i.e. MICall23. The purpose of the call is to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities…
ASSET: A Spatial Strategy for the EuroDelta, boosting a circular builT environment for Interreg North-West Europe
METREX SURE EuroDelta network partners submit Interreg NWE research proposal to explore how a spatial strategy for the EuroDelta can create a circular built environment. A circular built environment (CBE) comes with new demands for space – circular building hubs, storage spaces for reused materials, for sorting, and for developing biobased materials, etc. This transition…
METREX Managing Committee Elections 2023 Invitation to present a candidate
Deadline for submitting applications 18 August 2023, 09:00 CET WE ARE METREX Practitioners, experts, representatives of cities, metropolitan regions and areas, highlighting the role of Expert Groups and good practices – including the role of the Managing Committee in creating and sharing results. The METREX Managing Committee (MC) oversees the strategic direction of the organisation…
Metropolitan Manifesto to be debated European Parliament event
Presentation and debate hosted by Urban Intergroup (27 June, Brussels, 09:00-11:00 CEST) to bring additional political and stakeholder views on the draft Manifesto’s call to the EU and national governments. METREX will at the end of June present its draft ‘Manifesto for a Metropolitan Europe’ at a meeting of the Urban Intergroup at the European…