SAH Meeting#5: Helsinki Webinar // SAVE THE DATE!

3 December - 2024 , Online

Affordable intermediate housing for socially sustainable neighbourhoods
Seeking for out of the box solutions

Format: Online
Time: 9:00-11:00 CET time / 10:00-12:00 EET 

The SAH Expert Group continues its journey towards new approaches to achieving sustainable and affordable housing in metropolitan regions and areas.
The webinar, proposed and conceived by Senior Specialist Miliza Ryöti, PhD., Environmental Services Agency of Helsinki Metropolitan Region (HSY) and Regional Planning Architect Eija Hasu, D.Sc. (Tech), Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council, will last 2 hours organised in three modules.


Provisional program

Welcome and Opening (5 minutes)

  • Module 1
    Keynote: Understanding future affordability
    with DEMOS
  • Module 2
    Intermediate housing for social sustainability
    with Miliza Ryöti, HSY, & Eija Hasu, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional CouncilOutline on the right-of-occupancy model and discussion over the value of intermediate housing in Urban Regeneration in the Helsinki Metropolitan Region.

 Break (5 minutes) 

  •  Module 3
    A reflection on Urban Regeneration in the Helsinki Metropolitan Region through case examples illustrating different strategies of negotiating with private sector and other partners.
    – The case Helsinki by Elina Eskelä from City of Helsinki (tbc)
    – The case Vantaa by Elina Virtanen from City of Vantaa (tbc)
  • Conclusion and discussion with the participants 

More detailed information about the webinar will follow.


Want to be part of this new METREX Program?
Interested in taking part to the Sustainable and Affordable Housing Expert Group?
Members interested are invited to get in touch with Viviana Rubbo for more information.