METREX – Conference 14 and 15 November 2024 – Rules and Space to Speed up Circular Construction

What are relevant current and future laws and regulations on circular construction? What spatial strategies do help regions and companies?

The Registration deadline to this event is 28.10.2024

Linked to Interreg ASSET project

Link to the earlier digital session of this Metrex series

If we continue to use the resources we do now, we would need  three planets of Earth by 2050. Due to resource constraints and climate issues, the EU aims to move from a ‘take-use-dispose’ society to a carbon-neutral, environmentally sustainable, toxic-free and fully circular economy by 2050 at the latest.

Construction of buildings account for 50% of the extraction and consumption of resources and 40% of the EU’s energy consumption. Circular buildings are therefore crucial to reach this very ambitious aim.

But what does this mean for densely built-up urban areas? Where can we find space to accommodate circular construction? What are current European and national laws and regulations to stimulate circularity in construction and what new rules are upcoming?

Come to the METREX Conference and discover the latest spatial developments and laws that will affect the construction industry, both for companies and public authorities, with concrete examples from frontrunning cities. We will discuss spatial strategies, and explore the impact of current and upcoming rules such as the reviewed Construction Products Regulation (CPR)

So sign up and discover how your region or company can play a catalysing role towards a sustainable and circular future via this link. The Registration deadline is 28.10.2024

When and where?

14 November 2024 afternoon. Park Centraal, Molenstraat 53, 2513 BJ The Hague

15 November 2024 morning. De Titaan, Saturnusstraat 95, 2516 AG The Hague

DAY 1 - 14 November 2024 Rules - The necessity of building in a circular way | What are relevant rules | The experiences of a Dutch urban region

14 November 2024

13.00-17.00 CET time: Rules – The necessity of building in a circular way | What are relevant rules | The experiences of a Dutch urban region

Introduction by moderator Willem van Winden. Willem is professor Urban Economic Innovation at the Hogeschool Amsterdam and focuses on Circular Economy and Doughnut Economics

– Welcome by the alderman of The Hague

Why to build in a circular way? What is the urgency of the topic? Menno Rubbens, cepezed, Menno has been a project developer and director of cepezed projects since 2000. In each project, he tries to incorporate a new element or aspect on behalf of circular architecture.

Latest insights into (EU-) laws and regulations on Circular Construction. Fanauw Hoppe and Eveline Bakker, Circulaw, a knowledge platform that provides legal tools and insight into Dutch and European legislation for the circular transition. Fanauw is specialized in strategy, procurement and contracting for sustainable, climate neutral/positive and circular development. Eveline is specialized in procurement law and sustainability and in legal instruments to accelerate the circular economy.

Circular construction policies and activities of the Leiden region and their experiences with laws and regulations. Michiel Bosch, City of Leiden. Michiel is Advisor Circular and Future Proof Constructing .

– Discussion on separate tables with experts on EU rules and spatial experts from METREX regions

– Conclusions of the afternoon

14 November 19.00 CET time Network Dinner

DAY 2 - 15 November 2024 Space - The spatial consequences of circular construction | The experiences of a non-Dutch urban region | The perspective of a private actor

15 November 2024

09.00-12.00 CET time: Space – The spatial consequences of circular construction | The experiences of a non-Dutch urban region | The perspective of a private actor

– Introduction by moderator Willem van Winden 

Bart Bomas, BVR: spatial strategies for circular construction, Bart is senior project leader at BVR advisors on spatial developments.

– Circular construction policies and activities of non-Dutch region and their experiences with rules

– The perspective of a private actor regarding circular construction and legislation (Project developer / CEO construction industry) 

– European representative 

– Discussion on European rules, public-private cooperation and the role of Metrex on separate tables with experts on EU rules and spatial experts from Metrex regions

– Expected takeaways of the conference

▪ Which spatial strategies can help regions and companies to speed up circularity in construction?

▪ What are urgent issues on circular construction which should be put on regional, national and European agendas?

Friday 15 November 12-13 CET Time Network Lunch

Friday 15 November afternoon 13-16 CET Time Excursion Binckhorst

Excursion to best practices on circular construction in the Binckhorst area of The Hague