Connected Europe 2020

4 December - 2020 , Online

Improving rail connections for all

This event is part of the METREXmonthly series, which is a platform for METREX Members to meet and exchange on a range of topics.

METREX is now involved in various projects and initiatives concerning the development and/or improvement of Rail connections between European Metropolitan Regions. This is a rather logical consequence of the situation we are in at this very moment.

Climate change challenges have raised questions about how we travel and the current 2020 pandemic is amplifying this issue. The projects and initiatives range from better implementing rail in the metropolitan (public) transport system, thus resulting in a higher use, to developing and improving cross-border (high speed rail) connections resulting in a real European Network. These projects and initiatives are very timely also because national governments are now taking action to prioritise rail rather than air on a national and European scale.

To be better aware of what is going on at the European level, we would like to invite METREX Members to join us at this kick-off event during which we will look at the importance of developing a European rail network with the objective to better address climate adaptation measures, working towards an improved economic resilience of all European metropolitan regions and finally to improve the lives of inhabitants by offering access to work, education and recreation.


Opening (chaired by Henk Bouwman)
Brief introduction from participants
Presentation ESPON IMAGINE, Valeria Fedelli (Politechnico
Presentation ESPON STISE, Frenk Bekkers (Province of South Holland)
Discussion on further exchange with other projects. Setting a next date and agenda Corridor Week Province of South Holland (3-5 February 2021).

To attend, please contact Stephen Gallagher.