City of Wrocław and the Union of Polish Metropolises invites you to participate in the CITY DATA FORUM which will take place in Wrocław, June 22-23, 2021.
Day 1. Data – the new currency of cities? Big data, statistics, development metrics
Day 2. The digital revolution – will it change the models of development for cities and regions?
The aim of the conference is:
- to formulate ideas on how modern, urban policies can be used as tools for planning urban development,
- to discuss the role of data and data-based knowlege in the area of public, national and international statistics in establishing development policies for cities and regions,
- to review the emerging, advanced solutions framing the future urban policies based on BIG DATA and AI,
- to determine the crucial areas of analytical indicators and to enhance the cooperation between public statistics services and the AI sector.
To register, visit