ASSET Webinar Meet & Learn #Circular South-Holland Spatial Strategy: Strategic Planning & Political Context 2024

5 April - 2024 , Online

12:00-13:00 CET

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At this ASSET Meet and Learn webinar, co-presenter Bart Bomas (BVR) explains the content of Circular Zuid-Holland Spatial Strategy. Frenk Bekkers (Province of South Holland) will talk about the political context.

It was the first time in the Netherlands that a province commissioned a spatial strategy for a circular economy. Why did we need this spatial circular strategy? In 2020 we started policy making on circular transition. A general strategy of eight building stones was developed, of which “space” is one. The idea was (and is) that circular transition requires a lot of (extra) space. At the start many could (and still will) not believe this. Which is a bit comparable to the story of energy transition. At the same time, South Holland is a very densely inhabited province, where demographic, economic and energy transitions intensify the ongoing battle for space.

And how are we elaborating and implementing the strategy? Transitions are long-term processes in which building, converting or even dismantling new and existing practices go hand in hand. At the same time, spatial planning has its own dynamics.

About the speaker

Bart Bomas (1975) works as a landscape architect and senior project leader at the office BVR in Rotterdam. For the spatial consequences of the circular economy, Bart works on strategies for local design up to national scale. For instance a vison on Circular spaces in Amsterdam South East and a Regional strategy for industrial circular sites in Groene Metropoolregio Arnhem-Nijmegen the Spatial strategy circular South-Holland and the Knowledge assembly spatial consequences of CE in the Netherlands.

Frenk Bekkers (1957) has been working for a long time as a senior policy officer at the Province of South Holland in The Hague. The last years he programs, organizes and guides strategic policy research and explorations. “Strategic” here means with a long term, cross sectoral and sometimes cross border scope. Frenk participates on behalf of the Province of South Holland in METREX – the network of European metropolitan regions , the SURE Eurodelta network and the Interreg NWE project ASSET. In this project we develop building stones for a circular spatial strategy at Eurodelta scale. We do this together with ten other project partners and 30 associate partners.

About Asset

ASSET, the visionary European Interreg project (‘A Spatial Strategy for the EuroDelta, boosting the circular transition of the built environment’), unites cities, regions, research agencies, and universities in a common quest for innovation. Together, we are accelerating the circular transition of the Eurodelta, harnessing the power of collaboration to carve out a sustainable future. At the heart of our discussions lies the pivotal issue of the Circular Transition—scaling up and seizing the collaborative opportunities to create the perfect spatial conditions for this revolutionary shift while minimizing land use. From individual buildings to the vast expanse of the Eurodelta, we’ll explore best practices that pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future.

About this event series

Join us for an enlightening series of 18 lectures, where the partners of the European Interreg project Asset will engage in interactive discussions, exploring the evolving spatial demands of this transformative movement. Discover inspiring best practices ready for widespread adoption and upscaling, paving the way for a greener, more efficient tomorrow! Our lineup of invited speakers is diverse, spanning various fields such as construction, logistics, port operations, freight transport, and spatial planning, representing both the private and public sectors.

Learn more about the ASSET Webinar series at