METREX plays an active role in European projects. We typically act as a dissemination partner, whereby we help to share information and outcomes of projects through our network of regions and areas and beyond.
If you are a Member of METREX and would like us to support your next European project application, please contact Henk Bouwman, Secretary General, on henk.bouwman@eurometrex.org.
Current European Projects
Urban Post-COVID Recovery in the V4 Countries
MECOG-CE – Strengthening metropolitan cooperation and Governance in Central Europe
R-Map – Mapping, understanding, assessing and predicting the effects of remote working arrangements in urban and rural areas
ASSET – A Spatial Strategy for the Eurodelta, boosting a circular builT environment
ESPON DIGIREG – Territorial perspectives of digital transition in European regions
European Projects Archive
The New Planning Dialogue – stimulate a change in the practice of spatial planning
MATILDE – the impact of migration on the local development of rural and mountain regions
IMAGINE – Developing a metropolitan-regional imaginary in Milan-Bologna urban region
STISE – Sustainable Transport Infrastructure in the Strategic urban region Eurodelta
Bultzatu 2050 – the Regional URBAN AGENDA of Basque Country
Alpine Space LUIGI – Multifunctional ecosystem services for more liveable territories
METRO – The role and future perspectives of Cohesion Policy in the planning of Metropolitan Areas and Cities
A-RING – Alpine Research and Innovation Capacity Governance