Comparing Tools and Creating Synergies between Projects
19 February 2025
This morning, the Metropolitan City of Turin hosted the online event “Strengthening Metropolitan Governance through Participatory Strategic Planning. Comparing Tools and Creating Synergies between Projects”, organized in the context of the Interreg Central Europe MECOG-CE project, “Strengthening Metropolitan Cooperation and Governance in Central Europe”, in which the Metropolitan City is a partner alongside other metropolitan areas, networks, and European universities.
The meeting served as an opportunity:
- to reflect on participatory strategic planning at the metropolitan level as a way to strengthen metropolitan cooperation and governance;
- to facilitate an exchange of experiences between the Metropolitan City of Turin and the Metropolitan City of Genova regarding methods and tools for engaging local stakeholders in strategic planning processes;
- to illustrate the pilot action developed by the Metropolitan City of Turin within the MECOG-CE project, consisting in a survey targeted to metropolitan stakeholders (including Mayors and/or other representatives of the municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Turin) aimed at monitoring and updating the Metropolitan Strategic Plan. The survey was inspired by the good practice shared by the Brno Metropolitan Association in the context of the MECOG-CE project;
- to activate synergies between the MECOG-CE project and the soon-to-be-launched METRO-CASE project, which share common goals concerning metropolitan governance and its strengthening. The METRO-CASE project will be led by the Metropolitan City of Genova.
The meeting saw the participation of the Economic Development Department of the Metropolitan City of Turin (with Anna Turrini and Claudia Fassero, Economic Development, International and European Projects; Valeria Sparano, Strategic Planning office), of the Metropolitan City of Genova (with Laura Papaleo, European and International projects, and Cristiana Arzà, Strategic Planning office) and of the Polytechnic University of Turin (Professor Carolina Giaimo).
Presentations and exchange of experience made the meeting very rich and insightful.
The forthcoming International meeting of the MECOG-CE consortium will take place in Berlin, Germany, on 26-28 February. More info at