Last November, Brno Metropolitan Area (BMA) welcomed a delegation from the Lviv agglomeration with the aim to exchange experiences in metropolitan strategic planning. The main topic of the visit of the Ukrainian delegation was the development of metropolitan planning and metropolitan governance at the level of the Brno Metropolitan Area (BMA), which is a typical example of a monocentric metropolitan area. Such an area has one core – in our case it is the city of Brno – as a centre of services, job opportunities, education, etc. The Lviv agglomeration is in a similar situation.
The programme of the meeting included presentations and discussions on the Integrated Development Strategy of the Brno Metropolitan Area 21+, selected integrated solutions and forms of voluntary cooperation between the City of Brno, the region, municipalities and other partners. The delegation was also introduced to the Brno 2050 Strategy, the integrated transport system of the South Moravian Region, the international MECOG-CE project, as well as the projects of the revitalisation of Holásecká Lakes and the automatic sorting line of the SAKO company.
The visit of representatives of the Lviv agglomeration to BMA was mutually beneficial. Both sides gained new knowledge and strengthened mutual cooperation and hopefully soon BMA would be able to reciprocate. The journey of the Ukrainian delegation was realised with the support of the Council of Europe’s programme “Strengthening Good Democratic Governance and Resilience in Ukraine”.
Read more about the visit on the BMA’s website