Taking stock of 20 years of activity, this publication details some of the new ground broken by the METREX network in its mission to exchange knowledge and experience of metropolitan affairs.
“METREX has now been networking for 20 years and its biannual Conferences have been the foundations on which its activities have been built. The Network is unique in meeting twice a year, hosted by a Member. This support is invaluable and is indicative of the goodwill and mutual support that is fundamental to the way METREX works.
“The Network seeks to be professional, offer high value benefits and provide a friendly forum for the exchange of information, knowledge and experience.”
This Anniversary booklet contains short summaries of the 40 Conferences that have been held since 1996. Some 300 presentations have been made and over the last 10 years these have been published as Conference Proceedings. They illustrate the wide range of issues that are of interest to Members and the depth of knowledge and experience that has been exchanged.
Exchange will continue to be at the heart of METREX activities in the future. With Members and Observers from some 50 of the major metropolitan regions and areas of Europe, METREX offers access to a unique body of insight into metropolitan affairs.